
In this book reader will discover:- Olds motor works becomes the first car company - The short reign of steam cars - Electric cars short circuit - The rise of detroit's milwaukee junction - Detroit area motorcar companies - Small companies hit the majors for a quick cup of coffee....

Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future
Author(s): Vance A
Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of Spacex and Tesla is Shaping our Future is an important, exciting and intelligent account of the real-life Iron Man.
This concise book has been designed for easy reading and to meet the critical skill requirements of students in the branches of Automobile Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
This book includes all the steps for building safe, effective custom lithium battery packs.
Climate change is no longer a subject of scientific and academic importance; the well-being of the earth and human race is deeply dependent on it.

Advances in Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles
Author(s): Scrosati B, Garche J, Tillmetz W
Advances in Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles provides an in-depth look into the research being conducted on the development of more efficient batteries capable of long distance travel.

Electric Vehicles for Smart Cities:Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
Author(s): Nanaki E
Electric Vehicles for Smart Cities: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities uniquely examines different approaches to electric vehicle deployment in the context of smart cities.
National Pathways to Low Carbon Emission Economies: Innovation Policies for Decarbonizing and Unlocking
Author(s): Hübner K (Ed.)
The science is clear: climate change is a fact and the probability is extremely high that it has been caused by humans. At the same time, policy responses are hesitant, rather lukewarm and differ substantially between nation-states.

Transportation in a Net Zero World: Transitioning Towards Low Carbon Public Transport
Author(s): Kathryn G. Logan, Astley Hastings, John D. Nelson
This book discusses the importance of transitioning from conventionally fuelled, electric and hydrogen personal vehicles towards low carbon electric and hydrogen public transport.

This books provides a thorough exploration of low carbon mobility transitions from a range of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives;