Digital Library on Green Mobility

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This analysis finds that cost reductions in new electric vehicles (EVs) will lead to decreased used EV prices and cost parity with used gasoline vehicles for low-income households in the 2025-2030 time period.


This report quantifies Los Angeles electric vehicle charging infrastructure needs and associated energy demand citywide in 2030 to align with the city’s goal of 25% zero-emission vehicle stock by 2025 and 80% by 2035.


This working paper gathers insights from selected European cities on how to streamline the charging infrastructure planning and implementation process.


This paper examines the fuel consumption of new light commercial vehicles (LCVs) sold in India in fiscal year (FY) 2018–19. These vehicles are the N1 segment in India, and passenger vehicles are the M1 category.

Research Papers/Articles
Spain’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Challenge: How Many Chargers Will Be Required in 2030?


Author(s): Nicholas M, Wappelhorst S

This working paper assesses the electric vehicle charging infrastructure necessary in Spain by 2030 versus what was installed at the end of 2019. Two vehicle uptake scenarios—50% and 70% of light duty passenger vehicle registrations by 2030—are explored.

Research Papers/Articles
City Charging Infrastructure Needs To Reach Electric Vehicle Goals: The Case of Seattle


Author(s): Hsu C-W, Slowik P, Lutsey N

This report evaluates the charging infrastructure needs for Seattle to reach its goal of having 30% of its vehicle stock be electric. It quantifies the number, type, and distribution of home, workplace, and public charging across Seattle and assesses several sociodemographic factors to inform more equitable deployment in the near term.

Research Papers/Articles
Why Most eTrucks Will Choose Overnight Charging


Author(s): Furnari E, Johnnes L, Pfeiffer A, Sahdev S

Electric trucks (eTrucks) are entering markets worldwide. As these vehicles are deployed, fleet operators must determine potential use cases, such as last-mile delivery, and select the best charging strategies.

Research Papers/Articles
Global Emergence of Electrified Small-Format Mobility


Author(s): Hertzke P, Khanna J, Mittal B, Richter F

To gain more insight into the burgeoning electric two- and three-wheel market, this article examined worldwide trends for small-format EVs, looking at both geographic growth patterns and the forces shaping the industry. This analysis shed some light on strategies that can help OEMs and other players succeed as small-format EVs gain traction.

Research Papers/Articles
Subscribed to Future Auto Finance Yet?


Author(s): Kempf S, Koeck B, Schneiderbauer T, Weigl U, Zilahi R

This article consolidates the findings on potential growth opportunities, future strategies, and organizational challenges in the European market.

Research Papers/Articles
Electric Mobility After the Crisis: Why an Auto Slowdown Won’t Hurt EV Demand


Author(s): Gersdorf T, Hensley R, Hertzke P, Schaufuss P

Global auto sales plunged during the COVID-19 crisis, but electric mobility has remained remarkably resilient in some countries. The economic slowdown has significantly disrupted the auto industry, causing rapid declines in LV sales.