Knowledge Hub
Emerging Electric Passenger Car Markets in Europe: Can Poland Lead the Way?
Author(s): Wappelhorst S, Pniewska I
This study provides an overview of policy measures adopted by the national government and local authorities to transition towards electric vehicles. The focus is on passenger cars, which are responsible for 61% of total CO2 emissions from road transport in Europe.
Technology, Financing and Commercialization Aspects: Lessons from Indian EV Startup
Author(s): Ghosh G
The World Resources Institute (WRI) organised a webinar on Technology, Financing and Commercialization Aspects: Lessons from Indian EV Startup on July 8, 2020, as a part...
This 4 year (March 2016 to February 2020) project by Switch Asia aimed at promoting sustainable lifestyles and poverty reduction while reducing CO2 emissions and air pollution in India. The project fostered the scaling up of a replicable and integrated model of sustainable auto-rickshaw transport, based on clean technologies in the Cities of Bangalore and Chennai.
Emerging Policy Approaches to Electrify Ride-Hailing in the United States
Author(s): Slowik P, Pavlenko N, Lutsey N
This briefing identifies emerging policy approaches to support the deployment of electric vehicles within ride-hailing fleets, with a focus on the United States.
California Shows How the U.S. Can Reduce Transport Emissions
Author(s): Lashof D, Saha D
How the United States addresses emissions from the transportation sector will largely determine if the country can meet its climate targets. In this post, WRI unpacks some of the factors driving the transportation sector and examine the differences among the states in emission trends and policy.
Ensuring a Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials for Electric Vehicles : A Synthesis Paper on Raw Material Needs for Batteries and Fuel Cells
Author(s): Agora Verkehrswende
This study examines the supply situation for raw materials required to make electric vehicle batteries and fuel cells and also incorporates the latest findings and data in this area, which have been used to calculate future raw material demand in two different scenarios.
Ensuring Driving on Electricity is Cheaper Than Driving on Gasoline
Author(s): Nicholas M
This study provides a brief overview of the energy cost per mile for a vehicle using gasoline versus the energy cost per mile using electricity in the United States. It highlights the imperative to consider electricity costs for electric vehicles in the context of all competing
Estimating Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Costs Across Major U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Author(s): Nicholas M
This paper analyzes the capital costs of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure needed for public, workplace, and home charging for the most populous 100 metropolitan areas in the United States from 2019 through 2025.
This toolkit refers to the Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP) Revised (2014) toolkit of the Ministry of Urban Development, India, which was developed by the Institute of Urban Transport (IUT) Delhi, and UNEP DTU Partnership, along with Indian project partners from the UN Environment Project Promoting Low Carbon Transport in India.
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
Author(s): Welle B, Avelleda S
Coronavirus pandemic lockdowns are also putting an incredible strain on public transit systems worldwide. This blog post by the World Resources Institute (WRI) provides five ways governments, development banks and agencies can make public transport an integral part of stimulus packages for economic recovery.