Digital Library on Green Mobility


Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) in the Chinese urban context: lessons from the SUMP Foshan Pilot Project


Author(s): Jiangyan W, Yang J, Hao W, Suping C, Yang L, Xiaoyan K, Jieying Y, Wenshuo Z, Yunxia X, Xiaohui L, Qiaoqiao Z

Drawing on Foshan’s experience with SUMP, the report provides a localised approach for policy makers and planners in Chinese cities seeking to foster climate friendly urban transport while reflecting the needs of transportation stakeholders and residents, and to further integrate the SUMP concept into their transport and mobility planning systems.

India's energy transition: subsidies for fossil fuels and renewable energy, 2018 update


Author(s): Soman A, Gerasimchuk I, Beaton C, Kaur H, Garg V, Ganesan K

This report highlights the most significant developments in the dynamic domain of India’s energy subsidy policies in FY 2017 and explores the role that subsidies play with respect to four themes: energy access; the role of coal; prospects for renewables; and a transport sector transition.

Electric vehicles in Europe- 2016: approaching adolescence


Author(s): Transport & Environment

Electromobility including electric trains and trams provides the opportunity for a clean, green mobility future that assigns dirty diesel cars and trains that choke cities and commuters to the dustbin of obsolescence. The outstanding question is not if, but how quickly the disruption occurs and to what extent Europe captures the economic opportunities from this shift. Electric vehicles are in their adolescents, and about to be highly disruptive. Through constructive policy interventions at an EU, national and local level the technology and market can quickly mature and mobility become quieter, cleaner and its contribution to climate change drastically reduced.


This report marks the beginning of a new flagship project for the Climate Council aimed at cutting greenhouse gas pollution levels from the transport sector - Australia’s second largest source of greenhouse gas pollution. Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions are rising and are projected to continue increasing in the absence of credible and comprehensive climate and energy policy tackling all key sectors: electricity, transport, stationary energy, agriculture, fugitive emissions, industrial processes, waste and land use.

Low-carbon cars in Europe: a socio-economic assessment


Author(s): European Climate Foundation (ECF)

This report assesses the economic costs and benefits of decarbonising passenger cars in Europe. A scenario approach has been developed to envisage various possible vehicle technology futures, and then economic modelling has been applied to assess impacts. This technical report provides details about the charging infrastructure requirements, technology costs and economic impacts of the transition to low-carbon mobility.

Transition to all-electric public transportation: energy resource assessment


Author(s): Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP)

Large-scale penetration of EV comes with a plethora of sectoral planning challenges and will require coordinated planning between the transport, urban planning and power sectors. This report examines the charging energy requirement in order to transition to an all electric transportation sector (4-wheelers and buses), by 2030.

Fuel economy in major car markets: technology and policy drivers 2005-2017


Author(s): International Energy Agency

The report looks at fuel economy development in the period 2005-2017 for the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI). It shows that the average amount of fuel required to travel 100 km improved by 1.3% in 2016 and 2017, down from 2% per year between 2013 and 2015. Important drivers for this slowdown are declining shares of diesel vehicles, mostly replaced by gasoline despite fast-growing shares of electrified vehicles and a continued appetite for larger vehicles.


This practice note discusses WRI India Ross Center’s experience working in Bengaluru in order to understand the results of its deep engagement through the Sustainable Cities program. It captures a decade of growth, work, outcomes and learnings for the organization, along with evaluating its role in advancing broader ecosystem change in the city.


This practice note discusses WRI’s experience working in Mexico City to understand the results of its deep engagement work in the city, starting as the Center for Sustainable Transportation (Centro de Transporte Sustentable) in 2002, and its evolution to CTS-EMBARQ in 2011 and WRI Mexico in 2016. It discusses Metrobús as a catalytic project, institutional changes to build on the understanding, relationships and trust established in that project, and resulting city-level transformative change.


The SLOCAT Transport, Climate and Sustainability Global Status Report – 3rd Edition tells the global and regional stories of where we are and where we need to get to urgently on climate and sustainability action for transport and mobility. With contributions from 100 world-class experts and organisations, this flagship report is a one-stop shop for the latest available data, trends, targets and developments on transport demand, emissions and policies. The GSR equips decision makers towards knowledge-based action and aims to raise ambition in transport policy and investment for people and the planet.