Digital Library on Green Mobility


Exploring WRI Ross Center’s experience in Mexico city: a deep city-level engagement approach

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): World Resources Institute


WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities has a long-standing presence in Mexico City and has been a key change agent for sustainable development. WRI Ross Center’s long-term engagement across multiple sectors in Mexico City makes it one of the organization’s “deep dive” urban geographies. The main objective of this document is to understand the results of this “deep dive” approach in Mexico City by documenting and evaluating lessons learned over the years. Learning from past successes and failures and documenting the experiences and outcomes of projects undertaken in cities is essential for catalyzing the kind of city-wide change that WRI Ross Center aspires to. To this end, the study used a mixed-methods approach to analyze WRI Ross Center’s influence in Mexico City and the effectiveness of its deep dive approach there (starting with its origins as the Center for Sustainable Transportation–CTS).

Country: Mexico

Publisher/Organisation: World Resources Institute


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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