Digital Library on Green Mobility


Technical barriers to the consumption of higher blends of ethanol


Author(s): Searle S, Sanchez FP, Malins C, German J

Examines technical issues with using higher blends of ethanol in vehicles and fueling infrastructure and changes that could be made to accommodate these blends

Nordic EV outlook 2018: insights from leaders in electric mobility


Author(s): International Energy Agency, Nordic Energy Research

The report assesses the current status of the electric car market, the deployment of charging infrastructure, and the integration with the electricity grid at country level. It analyses the role of European, national, and local policy frameworks in supporting these developments. The analysis also provides insights on consumer behaviour and includes an outlook on the progress of electric mobility in the Nordic region up to 2030. NEVO 2018 has been developed in co-operation between the International Energy Agency (IEA) and Nordic Energy Research.

Global EV outlook: understanding the electric vehicle landscape to 2020


Author(s): International Energy Agency

The report presents primary data collected from EVI member governments on EV and related infrastructure deployment goals; policies, programmes, and incentives; deployment progress; and investments in research, development, and demonstration (RD&D); all of which informs an analysis of global market trends and progress in electric vehicle deployment and the implications for technology and policy.

Global EV outlook 2016: beyond one million electric cars


Author(s): International Energy Agency

This report aims to provide an update on recent EV developments, providing detailed information on the recent evolution of EV registrations (vehicle sales), the number of EVs on the road, their modal coverage across the most relevant global vehicle markets. The analysis also looks at the availability and characteristics of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), reporting on the evolution of deployment rates. The report includes a review and a discussion of key elements on policy support, both for EVs and EVSE.

The Bhutan electric vehicle initiative: scenarios, implications, and economic impact


Author(s): Zhu D, Patella DP, Steinmetz R, Peamsilpakulchorn P

This report aims to help Bhutan think through various technical and policy issues of introducing electric vehicles in its own context. It analyses a variety of factors that will impact adoption of electric vehicles from technical, market and financial feasibility to consumer awareness and stakeholders’ capacity. It also addresses several policy questions which are at the heart of public debate such as affordability of the government to undertake the program, economic costs and benefits, distributional impact, fiscal, and macroeconomic implications.


The analysis presented in this report shows that although carmakers have fallen far behind the targets, they can and should be met. The 12-year lead time before the target fully applies has unquestionably been wasted by most carmakers except Toyota and Renault-Nissan. Claims that the fall in diesel sales is the cause of rising emissions are false – it is the rise in SUVs, driven by carmakers aggressive marketing of these vehicles that have been the main driver of rising emissions.

Electric surge: carmakers' electric car plans across Europe 2019-2025


Author(s): Transport & Environment

Electric cars are about to go mainstream in Europe, and 2020/2021 is likely to be a tipping point for the market. Until recently, the EV market was limited to a niche of early adopters but tomorrow’s landscape will be very different as EVs enter a new phase and near the mass market. This report shows where the future electric cars and batteries will be produced in Europe, and analyses the expected production trends, and whether or not these are enough to meet the EU demand up until 2025.

Global energy outlook 2019: the next generation of energy


Author(s): Newell RG, Raimi D Aldana G

This report provides an analysis of long-term energy projections from governmental, intergovernmental, and private organizations using a unique methodology that allows for “apples-to-apples” comparisons. These projections agree that—absent ambitious climate policies—global energy consumption will grow 20–30% or more through 2040 and beyond, led largely by fossil fuels.

India’s electric mobility transformation: progress to date and future opportunities


Author(s): NITI Aayog and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)

The report is intended to support continued conversation and action towards India’s accelerated transition to electric mobility. It provides a summary of key policy and industry initiatives to support rapid adoption of electric mobility. Analyse the impacts of FAME II with respect to emissions, oil consumption, and overall EV adoption trends. It further propose possible actions that industry and government can take in continued support of the faster deployment of EVs.


The report study shows that the current situation in Argentina may compromise not only the successful development of the renewable energy sector, but also the country’s potential to raise its climate ambition and to ensure overall socio-economic development. Against this backdrop, it is important to enhance transparent and effective planning in the energy sector that is based on robust tools and methods and results in the formulation of realistic targets.