Digital Library on Green Mobility

Research Papers/Articles

Research Papers/Articles
Dual Digital Twin: Cloud–Edge Collaboration with Lyapunov-based Incremental Learning in EV Batteries


Author(s): Xie J, Yang R, Hui S R, Nguyen H D

The paper introduces Dual Digital Twin, a digital twin with two communication levels, enabling real-time monitoring and control of battery systems in electric vehicles.

Research Papers/Articles
Cooperative Multi-Site EMS Sharing EV Batteries based on Model Predictive Control


Author(s): Shibuya T, Kuroda K, Inagaki S, Yamaguchi T, Suzuki T, Hirata K, Ito A

In this study, the authors propose a model predictive control of charging and discharging for EV batteries shared by multiple EMSs based on a mixed-integer quadratic programming method and a quadratic programming method.


In this paper, the authors develop a novel AI-assisted power management methodology for fast-charging EV hubs with battery storage systems.


The paper emphasizes the significance of sustainable energy solutions centered around electric vehicles (EVs).

Research Papers/Articles
Predictors of Electric Vehicle Adoption Intent in Rideshare Drivers Relative to Commuters


Author(s): Rye J, Sintov N D

The study compares rideshare drivers and commuters on symbolic and instrumental attribute perceptions, focusing on their influences on electric vehicle adoption intent.

Research Papers/Articles
Impacts of Cold Starts and Hybrid Electric Vehicles on On-Road Vehicle Emissions


Author(s): Jiang Y, Song G, Wu Y, Lu H, Zhai Z, Yu L

This study introduces a cold-start emission model, integrating travel time, dynamic emission rates, and cold-start durations by fuel type.


This research tests an implicit assumption about plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging infrastructure: people—including people not interested in PEVs—see public PEV charging.

Research Papers/Articles
Can App Notifications Reduce Charging Hogging? an Experiment with Electric Vehicle Drivers


Author(s): Bornioli A, Vermeulen S, Mingardo G

The study examined the impact of app notifications, including loyalty points, reserved parking, and social norm messages, on driving behavior among 703 EV drivers in the Netherlands.

Research Papers/Articles
Low Energy Consumption Traction Control for Centralized and Distributed Dual-Mode Coupling Drive Electric Vehicle on Split Ramps


Author(s): Lipeng Z, Xin L, Shuaishuai L, Haoran G, Kaixin S

In this study, a centralized, distributed dual-mode coupling drive system (DMC) is being developed to prevent high-intensity driving and reduce vehicle energy consumption by transferring drive force between coaxial wheels.

Research Papers/Articles
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Characterisation under Laboratory and In‐use Operation


Author(s): Pierro G D, Bitsanis E, Tansini A, Bonato C, Martini G, Fontaras G

This paper evaluates a light-duty FCEV under both laboratory and on-road conditions.