Digital Library on Green Mobility


Business Models for Electric Mobility

Publication Year: 2016

Author(s): Laurischkat K, Viertelhausen A, Jandt D


This article introduces a framework for the analysis of e-mobility business models by defining central business model patterns, customer segments and essential key values of electric mobility. Thereby, the aim is to systematically identify e-mobility business model potentials. From the perspective of all stakeholders involved, this helps to overcome existing barriers to entry. Interviews with several mobility, energy and infrastructure providers have been conducted to apply the theoretical framework and to ultimately answer the opening question as follows: Those business models which at least address one aspect of the so called "multifunctional utilisation of electric vehicles" or a high service orientation have the best chances to successfully compete in the electric mobility market. The presented framework for e-mobility business model potentials builds a basic work for the first phase of a systematic development process for innovative business models. Furthermore, the presented insights of pioneering business models are a valuable contribution to face the challenges of high lifecycle costs in the electric mobility and the expansion on the mass market.

Source of Publication: Procedia CIRP

Vol/Issue: 47: 483-488p.

DOI No.: DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.03.042

Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier B.V.

Rights: CC BY-NC-ND license (


Theme: Business Models | Subtheme: Procurement