Monte Carlo Procedure to Evaluate the E-mobility Impact on the Electric Distribution Grid
Publication Year: 2018
Author(s): Mirbagheri SM, Bovera F, Falabretti D, Moncecchi M, Delfanti M, Fiori M, Merlo M
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the impact of the e-mobility charging processes on the electric grid, in a real-life study case. The study was developed according to three different recharging modes, the first based on domestic charging process, the second relevant to public fast charging station, the latter based on enhanced, very fast, public charging stations. Afterwards, three different test case (SET1, SET2 and SET3) had been tested. The charging processes impact on the grid has been evaluated adopting a KPI procedure, devoted to quantify the hosting capacity of the grid. Furthermore, three different technologies distributions are evaluated (e.g. different scenarios on charging station deployment are simulated). The results show that fast charging technologies could better fit with e.cars exploitment, but they could cause also a significant stress increase over the grid. The paper is devoted to quantify such effects. In addition, the results showed that mainly very fast charging provides high speed charging process, it could cause some critical load fluctuation over a single day limiting the capacity of the grid to host recharge process, or, similarly, decreasing the efficiency of the distribution grid.
Source of Publication: 2018 International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive, AUTOMOTIVE 2018
Vol/Issue: 8493169:1-6p.
DOI No.: 10.23919/EETA.2018.8493169
Publisher/Organisation: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Rights: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE)
Theme: Charging Infrastructure | Subtheme: Home charging
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