Digital Library on Green Mobility


Strong Sustainability in Public Transport Policies: An E-Mobility Bus Fleet Application in Sorrento Peninsula (Italy)

Publication Year: 2020

Author(s): Carten A, Henke I, Molitierno C, Di Francesco L


Sustainability is one of the main policies to minimize the climate change consequences of investment in the transport sector. Electric mobility seems to be one of the best and useful options to achieve both the sustainability goals and the mobility needs. In this paper the authors critically analysed the strength and weaknesses of E-mobility in Sorrento peninsula (Italy). The paper is divided into three sections. In the first one, the proposed methodology is reported. The application case study is described in the second section, while the last part reports the main conclusions of the research. The aim and the originality of this research was to propose a public transport design methodology based on a “strong sustainability” policy and applied to a real case study. Precisely, a renewing of an “old” bus fleet with diesel plug-in hybrid vehicles charged by a photovoltaic system was proposed aiming environmental sustainability. Estimation results show that the new e-mobility bus service will be able to reduce the greenhouse gases emissions up to the 23%, with a financial payback period of 10 years for a private investor.

Source of Publication: Sustainability (Switzerland)

Vol/Issue: 12(17), 7033:19pp.

DOI No.: DOI: 10.3390/su12177033

Country: Italy

Publisher/Organisation: MDPI AG

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact

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