Digital Library on Green Mobility


Evaluation of the Safety Standards System of Power Batteries for Electric Vehicles in China

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): Yu Q, Nie Y, Peng S, Miao Y, Zhai C, Zhang R, Han J, Zhao S, Pecht M


The increasing frequency of battery-related electric vehicle safety incidents raises concerns about the effectiveness of current international safety standards. China, the world's leading battery producer, has developed its own national standards, but their unique value remains a topic of debate. This review paper analyzes Chinese safety standards from various perspectives, focusing on battery materials, cells, modules, systems, management systems, and vehicles. The findings suggest improvements in international battery safety standards, including recommendations for different battery levels, life cycle design, and emerging battery technologies.

Source of Publication: Applied Energy

Vol/Issue: 349; 121674

DOI No.: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.121674

Country: China

Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier

Rights: Elsevier Ltd.


Theme: Vehicle Technology | Subtheme: Electric vehicles

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