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Thermal Runaway and Mitigation Strategies for Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries using Battery Cooling Approach: A Review ff The Current Status and Challenges

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): Chavan S, Venkateswarlu B, Prabakaran R, Salman M, Joo S W, Choi G S, Kim S C


Because of their high energy density, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are frequently used in electric vehicles (EVs). However, for best performance and longevity, an ideal temperature range must be maintained. The objective in this study is to solve the significant issues LIBs experience under changeable load settings, such as their heat-generating systems and significant thermal issues. Thermal runaway (TR) in LIBs can be reduced and the performance and longevity of the batteries can be increased with efficient thermal management systems for batteries (TMS-Bs). This study compared the pros and cons of various TMS-B cooling techniques in terms of viability, expense, and lifespan. The study also covers TR mitigation options, models, and mechanisms for LIBs. In terms of LIB TR prediction, TR preventative approach, and TR contingency measures, this paper offers a thorough assessment of recent advancements and problems. Additional future TMS-B-related works are also suggested by this paper. All things considered, TMS-B is essential for preserving the ideal temperature ranges in LIBs used in EVs. The performance and longevity of LIBs can be increased and TR can be reduced with an efficient TMS-B. However, more study is needed to better understand how battery cells, modules, and packs react to rapid charging scenarios as well as TMS-B structure, working medium, runner size, and liquid-filling capacity.

Source of Publication: Journal of Energy Storage

Vol/Issue: 72, Part D: 108569

DOI No.: 10.1016/j.est.2023.108569

Country: Korea, Republic

Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier

Rights: Elsevier Ltd.


Theme: Battery Technology | Subtheme: Lithium-ion batteries (liquid electrolyte)

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