Digital Library on Green Mobility


Voucher Incentive Programs: A Toole for Zero-Emission Commerical Vehicle Deployment

Publication Year: 2023

Author(s): Mandel B, Amburg BV, Welch D


Policymakers, manufacturers, and end users have experimented with a number of policy tools to promote first clean and now primarily zero-emission vehicle adoption. An expanding number of states and regions have adopted a now well-proven policy tool to efficiently deploy zero-emission commercial vehicles—and now infrastructure—faster using an innovative and flexible point-of-sale incentive: the voucher incentive program (VIP).

The VIP tool has proven highly effective in reducing the risk to faster fleet adoption of zero emission and other clean vehicles. By directly reducing the cost at the time of purchase, this style of incentive changes purchase decisions for commercial vehicle operators. VIP programs also leverage meaningful co-investment funds of as much as 3-to-1 that not only expand the impact of the public investment dollars but can drive a growing, clean tech economy (HVIP, n.d.).

Country: United States of America

Publisher/Organisation: CALSTART


Theme: Economic | Subtheme: Incentives

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