Steering a Green, Healthy, and Inclusive Recovery through Transport
Publication Year: 2021
Author(s): Fried T, Welle B, Avelleda S
This report assesses how countries, cities, and companies have allocated funds, directed policies, or implemented activities that have an impact on the transportation sector. It provides evidence of how these interventions could shape long-term economic recovery that addresses climate, health, safety, and equity goals. This paper examines five main potential and action areas for transportation decarbonization and public-private cooperation for countries, cities, and businesses. Public transport, walking and bicycling, vehicle electrification, rail, and research and development (R&D) are among these fields. Actions in these areas can help decarbonize transport while creating jobs, increasing equity, improving road safety, and reducing air pollution. While this report examines certain best practices in green recovery and sustainable transportation across several major action areas, global fossil fuel investments and subsidies can offset long-term GHG emissions reductions.
Source of Publication: WRI Working Paper
Vol/Issue: June 2021: 1-40p.
DOI No.: 10.46830/wriwp.20.00134
Publisher/Organisation: World Resources Institute (WRI)
Rights: Creative Commons
Theme: Economic | Subtheme: Financing
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