Digital Library on Green Mobility


Policy Strategies for an Emergent Technology: Lessons From the Analysis of EV-Policy in 8 North- European Countries

Publication Year: 2015

Author(s): van der Steen M, van Schelven RM, van Deventer P, van Twist M, Kotter R


This paper presents data from a comparative study of EV-policies in eight different North-European countries, that maps out all of the policies of these countries (and a range of regions and cities) that target passenger vehicles (PHEV and BEV), chargers (home, private, public; level 1-3), and policies that target the e-mobility eco-system or supporting network, in time-period 2012-2014. The main findings are that 1) there is wide variance of policies put out by the different countries, 2) these policies are hardly part of a coherent policy-strategy, and 3) mainly address the introduction of e-mobility as an issue of "piling up" enough incentives to overcome early market problems. Most countries, the authors, studied were able to meet short-term policy-ambitions, and some have even surpassed those ambitions. However, if we compare the currently applied policies to the medium- and longer term ambitions, these policies are hardly viable. Therefore, argue for alternative policy strategies that do not "pile up" incentives, but look at "mixes" of policies that instigate a self-reinforcing loop in the adoption to EV's. This study displays and reviews the policies made to support the small first steps, now policies have to be developed that support the giant leap.

Source of Publication: World Electric Vehicle Journal

Vol/Issue: 7(4):710-721p.

DOI No.: DOI: 10.3390/wevj7040710

Publisher/Organisation: AVERE

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution License (


Theme: Policies and Regulations | Subtheme: National

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