Electric Vehicles and their Effects in Low-Voltage Grids
Publication Year: 2011
Author(s): Teuscher J, Götz A, Schufft W
Currently the requirements to be met by the low-voltage grid are increasing. In addition to the growth of the distributed power supply the starting e-mobility is the main cause for this change. The study shows that electric vehicles would be the first parts of a smart grid. With the increase of the number of electric vehicles the requirement of communication systems grows. This paper contains the simulation of different low-voltage grids with a high number of connected electric vehicles. One of the results is that the utilization of the distribution transformer is the limiting criterion for a high number of electric vehicles in urban low-voltage grids. The comparison between urban and rural grid shows that the voltage drop is the limiting criterion in rural low-voltage grids. The charging of a high number of electric vehicles in urban low-voltage grids is possible with controlled charging.
Source of Publication: Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal
Vol/Issue: 1(9):789-792p.
DOI No.: 10.24084/repqj09.453
Country: Germany
Publisher/Organisation: European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ)
Theme: Standards and protocols | Subtheme: Grid connectivity standards
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