Company Charging Stations for All Cases
How the federal and state governments can advance the expansion of the charging infrastructure for electromobility at corporate and residential locations
Publication Year: 2021
Author(s): Agora Verkehrswende
Companies could play a driving role in expanding the charging infrastructure for electromobility. That would have many advantages for the traffic turnaround in Germany. But there are two main obstacles in the way:
- Charging points cannot simply be used for different purposes if the operator, be it a company or a private person, is privileged for the surcharge for the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). The delimitation of the charging processes required by energy law is associated with great effort and high financial risks.
- Many companies do not have the know-how and the capacities to deal with the topic in depth.
That is why, on the one hand, a process that is as lean as possible is required to distinguish between business and private charging processes; on the other hand, the advisory and funding offers for companies should be further developed. Above all, the federal and state governments have it in their hands to advance the expansion of the charging infrastructure at company and residential locations and to make company charging stations easily accessible for everyone. In this paper we go into more detail about the challenges and possible solutions.
Source of Publication: Agora Verkehrswende
Country: Germany
Publisher/Organisation: Agora Verkehrswende
Rights: Agora Verkehrswende
Theme: Charging Infrastructure | Subtheme: Commercial and Institutional charging
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