The Potential of Vehicle-to-Grid To Support the Energy Transition: A Case Study on Switzerland
Publication Year: 2021
Author(s): Di Natale L, Funk L, Rüdisüli M, Svetozarevic B, Pareschi G, Heer P, Sansavini G
In this study, the authors analyze the concurrent electrification of the mobility sector and investigate the impact of electric vehicles (EVs) on energy systems with a large share of renewable energy sources. In particular, this study builds an optimization framework to assess how EVs could compete and interplay with other energy storage technologies to minimize GHG-intensive electricity imports, leveraging the installed Swiss reservoir and pumped hydropower plants (PHS) as examples. Controlling bidirectional EVs or reservoirs shows the potential to decrease imported emissions by 33–40%, and 60% can be reached if they are controlled simultaneously and supported by PHS facilities when solar PV panels produce a large share of electricity. However, even if vehicle-to-grid (V2G) can help the energy transition, the authors find that its benefits will reach their full potential well before EVs penetrate the mobility sector to a large extent and that EVs only contribute marginally to long-term energy storage. Hence, even with the widespread adoption of EVs, we cannot expect V2G to single-handedly solve the growing mismatch problem between the production and consumption of electricity. The results suggest that Switzerland will remain a net importer of electricity in winter and a net exporter in summer since no control strategy will be able to fully flatten its net demand curve.
Source of Publication: Energies
Vol/Issue: 14, 4812: 1-24p.
DOI No.: 10.3390/en14164812
Publisher/Organisation: MDPI
Rights: Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/)
Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Energy
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