Digital Library on Green Mobility


Innovative Practice of EV-Carsharing in China for Urban E-Mobility

Publication Year: 2015

Author(s): Wu X, Yang X, Shi H


EV-Carsharing (called as 'EV-Timesharing' in China) has been rapidly developing with the 2nd round National EV promotion and application project in 88 Chinese EV pilot cities authorized by Central Governments from 2013. This report is based on deep understanding of Chinese EV Pilot City as the biggest background for EVCarsharing's boom in China in past 2 years. Through conducting comparative studies, field investigation, survey, expert interview, data collection and analysis, this report comprehensively summarizes latest status of EV-Carsharing in China and some typical practice in different cities and highlights successful experience as well as barriers on key dimensions for EV-Carsharing, including application of telematics on EVs, Governments' policy and administration, business and operating models, safety and security system and consumers' education. Governments, enterprises, research institutions and consumers should work together to help improve technology, operation, and economic efficiency for EVCarsharing and make it contribute more significantly for sustainable urban mobility.

Source of Publication: World Electric Vehicle Journal

Vol/Issue: 7(4):670-680p.

DOI No.: DOI: 10.3390/wevj7040670

Country: China

Publisher/Organisation: AVERE

Rights: Creative Commons Attribution License (


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Shared mobility