Cleaner Air and Better Transport: Making Informed Choices
Publication Year: 2000
Author(s): Tamminen T
The air in India's metropolitan cities is so severely polluted that it can make a white sheet of paper look like carbon paper within eight hours. If this strikes you only as a cosmetic effect, consider another statistic: more than 2% people in the prime of their life (from 15 year olds to 44 year olds) die prematurely of breathing- or heart-related disorders in Delhi because of the increased pollution. The single-largest contributor to pollution is the urban transport.
'Cleaner air and better transport: making informed choices' emphasizes the need to make public transport attractive enough for those who currently use cars, motorcycles, and scooters and highlights the role of information technology to achieve that objective by providing quality information to users of the public transport. This little book presents facts objectively to help you make sense of what you read or hear about the topic through the mass media and to make informed choices and judgements.
ISBN: 8189419692
Publisher/Organisation: The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI
Rights: The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI
Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Public
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