Digital Library on Green Mobility


Electric Vehicles

Perspective of Discoms and Stakeholders

Publication Year: 2020

Author(s): Datta A, Rodrigues N, Kumar M, Sharma J, Krishan R, Rawat A, Sharma Ashish K, Vyas S


To facilitate a sustainable electric mobility ecosystem in India, the role of power utilities will be a leading one, especially in deploying Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) within their license areas. The immediate impacts anticipated in the form of overloading of distribution transformers (DTs), network congestion, power quality distortions and peak power procurement issues. The operational management of EV charging is essential for determining the impacts on the power network and assessing the associated financial implications, regulations etc. The report analyzed the impacts of coordinated EV charging on network management for a DISCOM and accordingly a modeling and simulation study was performed. The report also presents a set of power quality measurements taken at a few sites to showcase the effect of random EV charging on the local power quality of the distribution network. Important insights from these set of studies and measurements related to how network congestion and local transformer loading should be reflected in EV charging tariffs, how charging cost and network operation can be optimized using coordinated charging, and what are the effects of charging pattern on power quality respectively were brought out. Additionally, a portion of this report also presents an economic assessment of DISCOMs’ investment in EVCI and showcases the benefits from charging EVs with and without ToD tariff.

Publisher/Organisation: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Rights: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)


Theme: Charging Infrastructure | Subtheme: Commercial and Institutional charging

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