Digital Library on Green Mobility


2019 Asia and the Pacific Renewable Energy Status Report

Publication Year: 2019

Author(s): REN21


This inaugural Asia and the Pacific Renewable Energy Status Report provides a comprehensive overview of renewable energy developments in selected countries of the region. Asia and the Pacific plays a large role in the world, covering a vast territory and contributing a majority of world population and population growth. The region’s economic transformation, accompanied by an energy transition, is fundamental to the success of global efforts to achieve sustainable development goals and decarbonisation objectives. This report covers 18 selected countries representing five key sub-regions, as follows: Northeast Asia (China, Japan, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea); Central Asia (Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan); South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka); Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam) and The Pacific (Fiji, Tonga). The countries are drawn from where networks and data sources were the strongest.

Publisher/Organisation: REN21

Rights: REN21


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Energy

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