Digital Library on Green Mobility


A Comprehensive Model for Lithium-Ion Batteries: From the Physical Principles to an Electrical Model

Publication Year: 2018

Author(s): Berrueta A, Urtasun A, Ursúa A, Sanchis P


The growing interest in e-mobility and the increasing implementation of systems based on renewable energy are contributing to rapid improvements in lithium-ion batteries. In this context, battery manufacturers and engineers require advanced models in order to study battery performance accurately. A number of Li-ion battery models are based on the representation of physical phenomena by electrochemical equations. Although providing detailed physics-based information, these models cannot take into account all the phenomena for a whole battery, given the high complexity of the equations. Other models are based on equivalent circuits and are easier to design and use. However, they fail to relate these circuit parameters to physical properties. In order to take the best of both modeling techniques, the authors propose an equivalent circuit model which keeps a straight correlation between its parameters and the battery electrochemical principles. Consequently, this model has the required simplicity to be used in the simulation of a whole battery, while providing the depth of detail needed to identify physical phenomena. Due to the model accuracy and stability shown during this study, this model can be considered a useful tool for the sizing, control, and performance analysis of an electrical system which includes a Li-ion battery.

Source of Publication: Energy

Vol/Issue: 144:286-300p.

DOI No.: 10.1016/

Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier Ltd

Rights: Elsevier Ltd


Theme: Battery Technology | Subtheme: Lithium-ion batteries (liquid electrolyte)

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