Harmonized Standards for Electric Vehicle-Grid-User System
Publication Year: 2018
Author(s): Amditis A, Theodoropoulos T, Brusaglino G, Oceano A, Rodella G, Rizzo R, Di Noia LP
As a primary factor in human activity, the transport system plays a role in the context of the use of electricity on environmental impact and on social health. In compliance with the EU mandate, electric mobility will contribute to the transport system with user-friendly means and solutions, thus reducing negative effects in these areas. Considering that the use of electric energy has a beneficial effect in the transfer chain Well To Wheel, it appears worthy to consider means and ways to increase as much as possible the operation capability of the electric vehicles by getting involved a reduced electricity quantity. This objective requires the study of the system vehicle - power supply for identifying the ways and tools to transfer power grid to vehicle with simple and effective user friendly operation. The key points to be considered are the strategic positioning of the charging points, the appropriate coordination and govern of the mobility, the communication with the user and the technology for connection to the grid. An ultimate effect of structuring this system can be the possibility of rivisitation of the battery design, which could be reduced, with consequent benefits in weight, volume, cost, energy use and pollution during manufacturing and recycling. Various EU Projects deal with this matter, among which the Project FABRIC considers the feasibility for transferring power by magnetic field from electric infrastructure to the vehicle in motion, including the possible application, in interoperable way with static, quasi dynamic and dynamic mode. The implementation and the effective operation of the system requires the Information and Communication Technology support for the interaction E-Mobility Center - User and the standardization at the international level of the requirements for the definition, production and application of the different elements and actors. The system Electric Vehicle - Grid infrastructure- Use definition and management is the object of a harmonized bulk of Standards, IEC, ISO, SAE, UL, to assure an effective utilization of the system for the benefit of the User and for the rational utilization of the energy.
Source of Publication: SPEEDAM 2018 - Proceedings: International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion
Vol/Issue: 8445310: 359-365p.
DOI No.: 10.1109/SPEEDAM.2018.8445310
Publisher/Organisation: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Rights: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE)
Theme: Research and Development | Subtheme: Software components/ICT
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