Can Product Service Systems Support Electric Vehicle Adoption?
Publication Year: 2020
Author(s): Ensslen A, Gnann T, Jochem P, Plötz P, Dütschkee E, Fichtner W
This research focuses on the question whether e-mobility product service systems (i.e. plug-in electric vehicles, interconnected charging infrastructure as well as charging platform and additional services) are supportive to plug-in electric vehicle adoption in professional environments. The user oriented techno-economic analysis of costs and benefits is based on empirical data originating from 109 organizational fleets participating in a field trial in south-west Germany with in total 327 plug-in electric vehicles and 181 charging points. The results show that organizations indicate a high willingness to pay for e-mobility product service systems. However, the willingness to pay for e-mobility charging infrastructure and services alone is currently not sufficient to cover corresponding actual costs. The paper relates the interconnected charging infrastructure solutions under study to the development of the internet of things and smarter cities and draws implications on this development. The financial incentive program of this study’s field trial supported PSS sales activities, i.e. to allocate EV, project specific interconnected electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and corresponding charging platform services. This resulted in positive overall net benefits for most of the participating organizations.
Source of Publication: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Vol/Issue: 137:343-359p.
DOI No.:
Country: Germany
Publisher/Organisation: Elsevier Ltd
Rights: CC BY license (
Theme: Business Models | Subtheme: Procurement
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