Digital Library on Green Mobility


From Mobility to Access for all

Expanding Urban Transportation Choices in the Global South

Publication Year: 2019

Author(s): Venter C, Mahendra A, Hidalgo D,


Many cities are experiencing a decline in accessibility due to a confluence of rapid urbanization and motorization trends. New analysis of these trends in the global South shows that up to half of urbanites might experience restricted access, leading to either high travel burdens or exclusion from opportunities. Lack of access afflicts both low-income communities scattered throughout the city and low- to medium-income people living in suburbs and peripheral settlements who use private cars and motorcycles on long, congested commutes. This working paper argues that more-accessible cities stand the best chance of solving the problems of deteriorating environmental quality and economic competitiveness that result from growing traffic congestion and urban sprawl.

Source of Publication: World Resources Institute

Publisher/Organisation: World Resources Institute

Rights: World Resources Institute


Theme: Sustainable transportation | Subtheme: Environment Impact