Digital Library on Green Mobility


Empowering Urban Energy Transitions: Smart Cities and Smart Grids

Publication Year: 2024

Author(s): International Energy Agency


The decarbonisation of cities is a global priority, and local governments are instrumental in achieving national commitments and objectives. Improved access to and use of data for decision making can support faster and more targeted implementation and help align city and power system planning. Digital solutions and systems can be particularly powerful in cities, where high-density environments create economies of scale and can optimise infrastructure and create new opportunities. Exploring a wide range of projects and initiatives implemented in power systems and cities around the world, the report provides insights on emerging best practices, innovative approaches and how barriers and challenges can be tackled. Our focus is on ways national governments can help cities accelerate clean, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions, and ensure resilience and an ability to adapt to climate change. The report also underscores how G7 members can foster innovation through international collaboration, creating enabling environments at the city level to deploy scalable pilot projects, support integrated planning and promote data sharing, all while maintaining electricity security and placing people at the centre of clean energy transitions.

Publisher/Organisation: International Renewable Energy Agency


Theme: Vehicle Technology | Subtheme: Alternate fuels

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