How Did Shenzhen, China Build World’s Largest Electric Bus Fleet?
Author(s): Lu L, Xue L, Zhou W
The southeastern city, which connects Hong Kong to mainland China, announced at the end of last year that all of its 16,359 buses had gone electric.
With Transportation Data, These Cities Became More Sustainable and Socially Inclusive
Author(s): Walls G, Etter-Wenzel C
Cities across the world have pledged to take action on climate change, including planning for more sustainable forms of transportation. But many cities lack the data and information necessary to track and monitor their progress.

China announced its New Energy Vehicle (NEV) mandate, part of its plan to sell 4.6 million electric vehicles by 2020 and ban cars with traditional internal combustion engines over the long term.
The Clean Vehicle Revolution: Driving Fuel Savings and Emissions Reductions in the United States
Author(s): Igusky K
This new WRI study finds that there are many “win-win” opportunities for the United States to reduce emissions and save money for consumers and businesses.
Who Needs Cars? Smart Mobility Can Make Cities Sustainable
Author(s): Dasgupta A, Guislain P
The World Bank and the World Resources Institute (WRI) believe that There are big chances for the international community to help put cities on a more sustainable path, so this opportunity must be seized, because cities and urban mobility are key to a sustainable future.
Strategies for Sustainable Cities: Demystifying Transport Demand Management
Author(s): Velásquez Juan M
A century of car-centric urban development has left the cities polluted, congested and searching for sustainable solutions. Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies can provide these solutions by combining public policy and private sector innovation to reverse over-reliance on private cars.

4 Lessons on Scaling Up Sustainable Transport in US and Chinese Cities
Author(s): Xue L
Transportation is a major source of CO2 emissions in both China and the United States—at 20 percent and 30 percent, respectively. The percentage of people traveling by car is increasing in Chinese cities, rising from 15 percent to 34 percent in Beijing between 2002 and 2013, creating air pollution and fuelling climate change.

Canada’s Passenger Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Standards
Author(s): International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
The required annual efficiency improvements for passenger vehicles in Canada are scheduled to weaken from 5% to 1.5% for model years 2021 to 2026.

Paving The Way For E mobility: State And Central Government EV Policies In India
Author(s): Shanthi S
As India is also slowly moving towards formulating an effective EV policy, this blog shows a rundown of different policies that are in place in India.

New Urban Transport Models Can Help Create Sustainable Cities
Author(s): Dalkmann H, Hidalgo D, Tun Thet H
Urban leaders met to set the global agenda for the future of cities at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, known as Habitat III. In the World Resources Report (WRR) on sustainable cities, WRI offers real-world research that aims to convert plans into implementation to create cities that live, move and thrive.