Digital Library on Green Mobility

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In this study, the parameters affecting the transistor and diode junction temperatures of the battery group, which is the most important component of a battery electric vehicle, have been extensively analyzed and estimated by the machine learning approach.

Research Papers/Articles
Energy Impact Assessment of Electric Vehicle Insertion in the Brazilian Scenario, 2020 – 2050: A Machine Learning Approach to Fleet Projection


Author(s): Carvalho E N D, Brasil Junior A C P, Mendonça Brasil A C De

This article contributes to energy planning through the long-term projection of the Brazilian fleet of light vehicles, and the simulation of their impacts on energy demand, in three scenarios of insertion of plug-in electric vehicles.

Research Papers/Articles
Minimizing Grid Capacity in Preemptive Electric Vehicle Charging Orchestration: Complexity, Exact and Heuristic Approaches


Author(s): Zaidi I, Oulamara A, Idoumghar L, Basset M

In this work, the authors investigated the problem of scheduling the charging of electric vehicles to reduce the maximum peak power while satisfying all charging demands.

Research Papers/Articles
The Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure on the Energy Demand of a City


Author(s): Desai A K, Kanika, Patel C R

This study aims to meet the public charging demand in the city of Surat by analyzing the electric vehicle growth rate and vehicle forecast.

Research Papers/Articles
Double-Layer Control Architecture for Motion and Torque Optimisation of Autonomous Electric Vehicles


Author(s): Coppola A, Tommasi G De, Motta C, Petrillo A, Santini S

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed control architecture, extensive simulation analysis was carried out using the MiTraS virtual testing platform, considering two realistic driving scenarios.

Research Papers/Articles
Dynamic Routing Optimization with Electric Vehicles under Stochastic Battery Depletion


Author(s): Unal V, Soysal M, Çimen M, Koc C

In this paper, the authors developed a DP-based heuristic, which combined Restricted DP and Prim’s algorithms, to solve larger instances.


Batteries receive much media attention but they lag behind other technologies. These limitations become apparent when advancing the battery from portable uses to wheeled mobility that demands strenuous conformities and long service under harsh conditions.

Linden's Handbook of Batteries


Author(s): Beard K W

This fully updated guide offers complete coverage of batteries and battery usage―from classic designs to emerging technologies.


The Battery Builder's Guide is a practical hands-on text that will show you how to make your own rechargeable flooded lead acid batteries


Based on the Stackelberg Game Model, this research develops an ideal operation model for electric vehicles in electric power aggregators (EPAs).