Digital Library on Green Mobility


EV Connect: Interview with Sanjay Krishnan


Author(s): Krishnan S

This interview was conducted by The World Resources Institute (WRI) with the founder of Lithium Urban Technologies or Project Lithium, a Bengaluru based startup that provides fully electric corporate fleets.

EV Connect: Interview with Dr.Dario Hidalgo


Author(s): Hidalgo D

This interview was conducted by the World Resources Institute (WRI) with Dr.Dario Hidalgo, Executive Director of Foundacion Despacio, Bogota, Colombia and Senior Mobility Consultant, WRI Ross Center to discuss people's perception that electric buses are very costly and they come at the cost of conventional buses.


In a bold and far-reaching move, India’s electric vehicle goals are set to flourish as Niti Aayog, the government’s thinktank brandishes the e-mobility mantra. The government aspires for a greener India by emphasising on the sale of only electric vehicles by 2030, or have a large percentage of EVs on the road by then. In this blogpost from "YourStory", the author Vishal Krishna highlights the various statewide developments in India's EV sector and future expectations.

Distribution grid planning for a successful energy transition – focus on electromobility


Author(s): Maier U, Peter F, jahn A, Hildermeier J

In this paper, Agora Verkehrswende, Agora Energiewende and Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) summarise the conclusions from a jointly commissioned analysis of distribution grid planning for the energy transition, with a focus on electromobility and offer wider considerations on the topic. The research was undertaken by contractors Navigant, Kompetenzzentrum Elektromobilität and RE-xpertise.

New Roads to Sustainable Travel


Author(s): Aichinger W

This paper presents models from psychology and sociology for understanding the motivation and process of behaviour change. What is common to all these models is the insight that behaviours change only when there is motivation, opportunity and capability. Simply supplying motivation by stressing the benefits such as saving time or improving the environment is not enough to change how people travel.

Digital Library on Green Mobility: Window to a sustainable future


Author(s): The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

The Digital Library on Green Mobility (DLGM) has been developed under the India component of Nationally Determined Contributions -Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC-TIA) programme.

4 Emerging Ways to Pair Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy


Author(s): Bird L, Hutchinson N

The passenger vehicles in the U.S. are electrifying at an unprecedented rate. In 2018, one million electric vehicles (EVs) were on the road, and studies project that by 2030, approximately 20 million EVs will be deployed across the country.

To Clean Delhi’s Air, Reform Its Transport System


Author(s): Agarwal O.P.

Experts have attributed the post-Diwali decline in air quality in Delhi to polluting fireworks from revelers combined with crop burning, a change in wind direction, and motor vehicle emissions.


Transportation is the fastest growing source of carbon dioxide emissions and fossil fuel demand worldwide. That makes zero-emission vehicles a prerequisite for a sustainable future.


China has seen a remarkable increase in electric buses.Transitioning to electric buses will help China's commitment to reduce its climate intensity by 60-65 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, and help address growing concerns about rising air pollution.