Policies for India's global leadership on EV adoption
Author(s): World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Building on the previous work of the REmobility coalition, WBCSD has developed this report to help accelerate India's transition to electric mobility and enhance the collaboration between policymakers and businesses. It presents a policy framework that reinforces the adoption of EVs across commercial fleets and increased investments in charging infrastructure.
Renewable energy outlook for ASEAN: towards a regional energy transition, 2nd ed.
Author(s): International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
This second edition of the ASEAN Renewable Energy Outlook was developed in collaboration with the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) and the ASEAN Secretariat’s Renewable Energy Sub-sector Network. It is guided by IRENA’s World Energy Transitions Outlook and details a comprehensive pathway for the development of a sustainable and cleaner regional energy system. It explores the role of end-use sector electrification, expansion of renewable generation, energy efficiency solutions, emerging technologies such as electric vehicles, hydrogen and battery storage-systems, as well the importance of expanding regional power sector integration.
Should we buy an electric car? New technologies often tend to get mired in a web of misinformation and myths due to an information deficit environment. In this publication, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) answers questions about the electric car that is used for personal mobility, in the hope that this information will dispel myths and encourage consumers to buy more e-cars.
Roadmap for 100% delivery electrification in Delhi: unlocking insights from the deliver electric Delhi pilot
Author(s): Dialogue and Development Commission of Delhi, RMI, RMI India
This report highlights insights from the design, implementation, and consultation phases of the Deliver Electric Delhi Pilot, and compiles these findings into a roadmap for scaling final-mile delivery vehicle adoption. The Pilot identified ways in which policies, charging infrastructure, and access to finance can help private and public sector players fully electrify final-mile delivery vehicles. The report compares the costs and performance of EVs to their fossil fuel counterparts and outlines the economic case for fleet electrification.
State energy efficiency index 2020
Author(s): Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy
Karnataka has topped the State Energy Efficiency Index 2020 (SEEI), scoring 70 points out of 100 on the back of several initiatives to improve energy efficiency in the state. The Ministry of Power’s (MoP) Energy Efficiency Index ranks states on their performance across 68 indicators covering buildings, industry, municipalities, transport, agriculture, distribution companies (DISCOMs), and cross-sector initiatives. The index assesses the states’ performance on policy and regulation, financing mechanism, institutional capacity, adoption of energy efficiency measures, and energy savings.
From dirty oil to clean batteries- batteries vs. oil: a systemic comparison of material requirements
Author(s): Mathieu L, Mattea C
An electric vehicle (EV) battery uses up just 30kg of raw materials with recycling compared to the 17,000 litres of petrol burned by the average car. That’s according to a new study that shows Europe’s current crude oil dependency far outweighs its need for battery raw materials. The gap is set to increase further as technological advancements drive down the amount of lithium required to make an EV battery by half over the next decade. The amount of cobalt required will drop by more than three-quarters and nickel by around a fifth.
Batteries on wheels: the role of battery electric cars in the EU power system and beyond
Author(s): Element Energy
Electric vehicles can save France, Italy, Spain, and the UK between €500 million and €1.3 billion each a year as they switch to renewable energy, a new study has found. Smart charging – or charging electric cars at the best time of day for the grid – will help avoid demand peaks and provide extra storage when there is renewable electricity oversupply. This will reduce the need to build additional grid storage and power plants, according to researchers Element Energy, which analysed electric vehicle uptake up to 2040.
Renewable readiness assessment: Paraguay
Author(s): International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
This report examines Paraguay’s energy institutions and their governance, long-term energy planning practices, and the socio-economic benefits of promoting renewable and low-carbon technologies in the end-use sectors. The RRA process was conducted in synergy with the country’s revision of its National Determined Contribution (NDC). The resulting report highlights the strong link between diversifying the energy mix, scaling up renewable energy use, and promoting low-carbon technologies such as green hydrogen and electric vehicles, alongside climate action.
Vehicle and efficiency electrification: a global status report
Author(s): Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI)
The report highlights the urgent actions government need to take to accelerate the decarbonisation of road transport, which include: Set long-term policy frameworks to reduce CO2 and increase EV sales in combination with wider decarbonisation and efficiency policies.; Eliminate remaining fossil fuels subsidies; End sales of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles as soon as possible.; Combine policies to increase sales of EVs with a focus on decarbonising the electricity sector and integrating energy and charging infrastructure.
Mobilising finance for EVs in India: a toolkit of solutions to mitigate risks and address market barriers
Author(s): NITI Aayog, Rocky Mountain Institute
The report highlights financing as another key hurdle to accelerating uptake. EV buyers currently face a range of financing challenges, such as high interest and insurance rates, low loan-to-value ratios, and limited specialized financing options. These challenges will only become more important to address as EV adoption picks up.