
The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the association that represents all U.S. investor-owned electric companies
The objective of the E- Mobility research lab is to develop state of art technologies for Electric Vehicles (EVs).
EPRI has been conducting research and development on electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles for more than 30 years

Electric Vehicle Centre of Excellence (COE) CUM EV Lab Solutions Providers
A forum for stakeholders with interest in the infrastructure to support EVs to discuss and study the ongoing efforts for widespread adoption.

EVETC is one of the earliest organizations that conduct research on electric vehicles in China
Electric Vehicle Info is India's Leading Electric Vehicle Portal and #1 Source for Electric Vehicle Updates, E-Mobility Updates, and EV News.

Electric Vehicle Institute (EVI) Solutions expedite the adoption of Electric Vehicles (EV).
To transform the country’s transportation network into a fully integrated "smart" electric vehicle deployment system coupled with a "smart" electric grid that is achieved... is a news service for decision makers in the electric mobility industry. It covers a wide range of relevant stories and developments in electric transport across Europe and beyond.