Digital Library on Green Mobility

Research Papers/Articles

Research Papers/Articles
Potential Benefits of the U.S. Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulation for Heavy-Duty Vehicles


Author(s): Ragon P-L, Buysse C, Sen A, Meyer M, Benoit J, Miller J, Rodríguez F

This study presents several possible scenarios for the standards, estimates each scenario’s potential to align with U.S. climate goals, and quantifies the associated air quality and health benefits through 2050.

Research Papers/Articles
Evaluation of real-world fuel consumption of light-duty vehicles in China: a 2021 update


Author(s): Wu R, Yang L, Chen Z, Yang Z

This paper provides an updated analysis of consumer-reported fuel consumption data in order to evaluate real-world fuel consumption of China’s LDV fleet from model year (MY) 2007 to MY 2021.

Research Papers/Articles
Measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from motor air conditioning in China


Author(s): Yang L, He H, Xie Y, Mao S, Ren J, Wang C, Ma D, Yin J, Wu Q

In keeping with international efforts to curb GHG emissions it is urgent for China to formulate policies that aim to reduce GHG emissions from MAC.

Research Papers/Articles
Overview on Battery Swapping and Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) in China


Author(s): Ibold S, Xia Y

This paper provides an overview of the development of Battery swapping and Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) in China.


This paper provides a general description of the role of the transport sector in achieving China’s carbon peaking and neutrality goals.

Research Papers/Articles
Towards credible transport carbon dioxide emissions accounting in China


Author(s): Xue L, Liu D

To help unify the transport emissions accounting methodologies for China’s national and subnational governments and improve statistical data collection for credible transport emissions reporting, this study reviews the accounting methods and statistical data used globally and in China through a literature review and stakeholder interviews.


This paper provides an overview of two-wheeler market sales and general information regarding fleet characteristics and presents an analysis of two-wheelers sold in 2020, focusing primarily on vehicle types, manufacturers, fuel consumption etc.

Research Papers/Articles
Market analysis of two- and three-wheeler vehicles in key ASEAN member states


Author(s): Le H, Yang Z

This paper provides an overview of the two- and three-wheeler (2&3W) market in the ASEAN Seven member states in 2019 and 2020. The paper also analyzes and compares the 2&3W markets in a subset of four countries whose data is further segmented by fleet characteristics.

Research Papers/Articles
Electric Vehicle Batteries Alone Could Satisfy Short-term Grid Storage Demand by as Early as 2030


Author(s): Xu C, Behrens P, Gasper P, Smith K, Hu M, Tukker A, Steubing B.

This study includes in-use and end-of-vehicle-life use phases and finds a technical capacity of 32–62 terawatt-hours by 2050.

Research Papers/Articles
Assessing Policy Interventions to Stimulate the Transition of Electric Vehicle Technology in the European Union


Author(s): Martins H, Henriques CO, Figueira JR, Silva CS, Costa AS

This study employs the ELECTRE (ELimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalité - ELimination and Choice Expressing the REality) TRI-nC method to classify 27 EU Member States (MSs) regarding their governance in terms of EV technology promotion.